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2019 Competition Report

Day “-1”: the preparation :

On Thursday, a group of 10 pilots where already on the slope, for some free flight on the slopes. The wind was North, with variable lift and wind of 6-8m/s. The organization team started installing all the bases on both slopes to be ready for any conditions during the next three days. By the middle of the afternoon, the wind had switched to south (light) with some foamies and light F3F runs. The weather forecast on was expecting that condition for the day, it was consistent; let’s hope their forecast for the next 3 days is right also!

Day 1: Light conditions, slow start:

The welcome of all the pilots started at 09.00 on the slope, with coffee, tea and croissants. People got all their number assigned, some free flights on the south slope (3-4m/s) as allowed until 10. Unfortunately, all pilots were there and ready by 10.00, but the wind was too weak. We had to wait until 15.00 on the dot to start round 1 on the South slope, with light wind (5m/s) which quickly went up to 7m/s average. We managed to validate 4 rounds in those conditions, and finished the flights at 18.15.

Michael Krebs did great flights all day long and was at the end of the day leading the competition.

Day 2: South slope as we love it:

On Saturday morning, pilots started arriving at 08.00. wind was already blowing at 6m/s, south. Tende South slope: welcome back!!! The weather forecast is expecting some growing conditions, with up to 10m/s in the afternoon. Most of the pilots were there by 09.00 as we had asked at the end of the previous day, but unfortunately some pilots were not there during the announcement (packing in the cars) so we had to wait until 10.00 (initial “website” time) to get everyone ready. The round 5 started at 10.00 with a nice 7m/s wind. Flights were very fair between pilots, thanks to the clouds covering us and limiting the thermals. We managed to do 7 more rounds until the fog covered the whole area at 15.17. Only 5 pilots were left to race, but the interruption lasted more than 30 minutes and we had to cancel that round. Luckily, we managed to start one last round at 16.45, with lighter conditions as time passed (going down from 7+ m/s to 5m/s), yet still within local rules (4m/s minimum and average during the run, wind orientation less than 35deg off).

At the end of day 2, Pierre Rondel did get back on the lead after that total of 12 rounds, followed by Philippe Lanes and Andreas Bohlen.

But the time was for some good local fresh made cuisine at the restaurant “La Margueria”. Everyone enjoyed their drink with appetizer (Pissaladiere and Barbajuan), Dinner appetizer (Mozzarella di Buffala from Cuneo with grilled red peppers, pesto sauce and pinions, Main course (Oven baked Lamb with baby gnocchi and girolle mushrooms) and choice of dessert. I have to actually really thank the restaurant team for their efficiency in serving our large group with such great and tasty products.

Day 3 : Stamina:

Last day, wind is already blowing like the previous day. Lift is not as good (slightly off) as people do some free flights with foamies before the beginning of the competition announced at 09.00.

Wind is blowing at 6m/s, we start the race but the pace is much slower, both in the bases but also to leave the slope to the landing area (pilots have to climb as much as possible before walking in front of the Bunker and land by the front of the slope, it is impossible to walk through the usual path). Rounds are taking a little more than 1 hour. We still manage to validate another 5 rounds, and as it is only 14.48, we can even launch one final round before the end of the competition. Last flight was validated at 15.51. Time for computing the new rounds that got us to a total of 18 valid rounds and discover the ranking.

End of Competition:

As the times were computed, an Aperitif was offered to all pilots.

After almost 500 runs during the weekend, we really all wanted to thank all the judged, who have been standing in the wind and sun, and yet stayed concentrated and very efficient all weekend.

We also want to thank the sponsors without whom it would not be possible to make this competition happen: BlueBird Servos, la Ligue d’Aeromodelisme, La région PACA, Lindinger, les commercants de Tende (Hotel du Centre, Boulangerie des Merveilles, Restaurant la Margueria). This year was very special for me with my baby born only a few months ago. I would like to thank my wife Nicole for supporting me in still making this 10th Edition of the Lemoncello Cup happen.

Regarding final results: Best time was made by Michael Krebs (36.32 sec on round 9), the final podium is:


Publiée par Jiri Hladky sur Lundi 22 juillet 2019

Weather forecast this weekend

Hi guys,

the weather forecast keeps on changing. Yesterday, many websites would project north wind and risks of rain, some would say south and some just clouds.

today, I see more some trends towards south wind, clouds and little risks of rain. I like seeing the forecast getting better in a night, let’s hope it continues to evolve like this as the summer storms break today. I will see you all on friday morning anyway, and many already on thursday PM I’m sure!

Day 2 and 3 Report – Results

Day 2 was quite like the first day of the competition, with wind that started blowing correctly by 11h30 and let us validate the second group of the Round 4. We managed to validate 2 more rounds after that, and one could not be finished by 5 pilots. At the end of that second day, 6 valid rounds, fog and rain that let us leave the slope by 5PM so we could get ourselves clean before the Banquet at the restaurant ‘La Margueria’ in Tende.

This Dinner was also hosting the lottery from the French F3F World Championship Team. A live feed broadcasted the draw while pilots were enjoying Fresh made Socca.

Last day of the competition permitted another 3 last rounds from 11.30 to 2PM. The organizing team and judges decided to stop the competition, as the rain was clearly visible in front of the slope, not letting any more valid round to be made.

All planes were packed while the judges put away the equipment and computed the results.

An error actually was made while typing the results for Sebastien Lanes on round 8, who did a 43 and not a 48sec. Complete results are available on F3XVault.

Winner for this 2018 Edition is Pierre Rondel, followed by Sebastien Lanes and Matthieu Mervelet (all members of the French WorldChamp Team). Team Ranking goes down to MMP, AL LANes Team and Styria. Prize distribution was made under showers comparable to the one in Moscow for the World Cup finals…. I have to admit I was totally soaked!

Many thanks to all the Sponsors for this competition: BlueBird Servos, Lindinger, Region PACA, Restaurant La Margueria, Hotel du Centre, the city of Tende.

Very Special Thanks to the judges, my great small team of pilots and friends who spent their days without flying, always there, motivated, concentrated and devoted to the pleasure of the competitors.Eric, Paul, Manu, Etienne: Without you, nothing could be done! You are the BEST!

Day 1 report

First day of competition started with registration of the 30 pilots at 9am until 10.
Light south wind was blowing, unsuffiscient for race.
It died and turned north for a few minutes, and then back south (weather was still unstable).
We eventually could start the competition at 12:00 with 5m/s.
The wind grew up to 9m/s with bursts of 11m/s.

Flights were mostly in the 43-45sec. only one safety line was crossed on round 2 by Mortz Haensli as he entered the race behind the CD and judge on base B.
At 3:00 we had managed to validate 3 rounds and were already half way through the fourth round.
Rain drops started popping, and by 3:15 the organizers were obliged to stop the race, only 5 pilots from the end of the round.
The storm lasted too long and we had to cancel the second group scores (group scoring of half the pilots was announced before the round).
We tried running again but after a few pilots rain and fog appeared again.
The day was announced over at 6:00, with 3,5 rounds validated.

Results are recorded in F3xvault.

The competition will start tomorrow…. At 9AM!

Plenty of pilots already there today in Great conditions until the storm and rain and fortunately started.

Get ready tomorrow morning we will be there at 9 a.m. for registration until 10. No more flights will be possible then and we will start the competition as soon as possible.

Biggest worry is the rain this weekend, so we will try to launch rounds as early as possible.

I know I said meeting at 10 to some people today, but please be there before to guarantee a great competition.

ZEPSUS – New Sponsor!

We are very pleased to announce that the very well-known and reliable magnetic switchs “ZEPSUS” will support our event this year!

Many thanks for you guys at ZEPSUS, you do great products!



UPDATED: 90minutes later…

… registration is already full!!

unfortunately, there seem to be a problem with the f3xvault website and you cannot pay now that the limit is reached….

I am waiting for a solution, very soon hopefully


you can pay once logged on f3xvault, by typing this address:


Flying order for this Weekend + Weather

…..And we will be 41 pilots for a list of 40…..

Last minute participation of our buddies from Spain, could not refuse their participation as it has been a while we haven’t seen them.


below the flying order for this weekend. First pilot will be randomly picked on site.


Order Pilot
1 33   Vladimir Urban
2 45   Antek Kania
3 17   Siegfried Schedel
4 9   Miroslav Trsek
5 36   Rick Ruijsink
6 40   Stefan Fraundorfer
7 49   Robert Matthes
8 3   Rosemann Eberhard
9 2   Philippe Lanes
10 19   Tomas Winkler
11 54   Iñaki Elizondo
12 47   Thierry Platon
13 42   Armin Hortzitz
14 15   Arne Finkeldey
15 44   Bogusław Gryszko
16 37   Thomas Faure
17 18   Martin Kopp
18 51   Wolfgang Ebinger
19 1   Allan Cohen
20 32   Daniel Vltavský
21 8   Stefan Bernardy
22 48   Maximilian Steidle
23 21   Matthieu Mervelet
24 13   Martin Ulrich
25 53   Bernardo GOMEZ-MAYAN LOPEZ
26 52   Jacek Kurlenda
27 31   Martial FAURE
28 6   Pierre Rondel
29 41   Alfred SALMHOFER
30 39   Espen Torp
31 26   Johann Eckart
32 14   Tobias Reik
33 38   Stephane RICCOBONO
34 5   Julien Honor
35 20   krebs michael
36 16   Thorsten Folkers
37 4   Peter Würmli
38 50   Bjørn Andersen
39 7   Sebastien Lanes
40 43   Jerzy Mataczyno


Regarding weather, it was fairly pessimistic last week for friday but was better for the weekend, and now we can see some great forecast (wind speed is down the valley, much more on the slope).


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